
There are times in my life when I silently check my favorite numbers to see if something I’m considering is okay. It’s similar to approving bingo and raffle ticket digits, even a potential address or sale price can come under scrutiny.   Over time I have relied on the numbers 2 and 8 to satisfy my confidence. Because I have eight children, that number is a no brainer. It has become my favorite in many appropriate instances. The number two stems from the fact that all of my kids have a “2” in their birth date. Yes, when each of them was born, a two appeared in the day of their arrival. It’s an amazing occurrence that will forever join all eight of them in a common bond. Especially since their arrival date was not chosen by me, this seemed remarkable .

When we were kids, another “out of the ordinary” had to do with my two grandmothers. One of them lived right around the corner from us and made visiting simple and often. Since my family didn’t have our own telephone, we could use the one at my grandma’s house. And if someone had to reach us we would have to know her phone number so we could pass it on. I can’t recall the phone exchange, but her numbers were 4922. It was easy to remember and amazing as well. Especially because the SAME number was miles away at my other grandmother’s. It was her home address! How often did something like this happen.? Exact numbers for two different necessities and randomly assigned to two different households for two forms of identification. Incredible! 

At first we kids figured our parents picked out the numbers to match so we could remember easily. But this amazing occurrence was definitely as real as rain in the springtime and may have been the beginning of my awareness toward numbers. It’s not a nuisance habit, but a curious question and understanding of how and why incidental happenings give us fuel for private investigation. For me, the coincidences gave me a deeper look into the mystique of our lives.  And to think that having favorite numbers would put me on the path of questions and  answers. Be curious and give it some thought. Do you have favorite numbers? 

Lizabeth Braskie

I'm a retired Sun Newspaper typist. I've been writing freelance articles for the past twenty five years. Some of them are personal experiences having to do with my family of eight children and a total of twenty grandchildren. They keep me busy with a variety of subject matter.

Volume 10, Issue 11, Posted 4:59 PM, 11.01.2018